In the times of online news and online everything, do you still like to snuggle under a warm blanket holding an excellent magazine? How about passing this pleasure down to your kids? There are indeed, Swiss magazines for kids.

If they are French-speakers or even better French-readers, I have made a list with three recommendations—something for every taste. And if you know more local kids magazines, let me know! Let’s make a list bigger.

Ready? Here we go! The three best Swiss magazines for kids!

For 8+

Kaleio is close to my heart as it was brought to Switzerland from Poland, where my cousin’s friend and her team launched a magazine for girls. Yes, Kaleio is designed with girls in mind, but boys are welcome to read it too, as it is about everything. You’ll find science, social subjcets, comics, stories, nature, emotions. Everything! It’s empowering, horizon broadening, and fun! The magazine comes out once every two months. One copy costs 19 CHF and a one year subscription is 99 CHF.

Find out more about Kaleio here.

FOR 8+

Campus Junior is the scientific magazine of the University of Geneva for 8-12 year olds. Inside you’ll finds games, reports, information, mysteries. Each issue is about something different. It can be about human body, animals, plants. One of the past issues explained the current pandemic in a very kid-friendly manner.
You’ll also be pleased to hear that Campus Junior is free. If you choose to read ito nline, it’s 100& free, and if you’d prefer a printed copy, only the postage costs need to be covered.
Ready to explore? Find out more about Campus Junior here.

For 4+

Salamandre is a local nature magazine for adults. There is also Petite Salamandre for 4-7 year olds, and Salamandre junior for 8+. Salamandre magazines for kids come out once every two months regurarly and have also 2 special issues per year, which gives a total of eight per year. It’s all about nature in a very children-friendly way. They will learn a lot, but the authors also offer ideas for activities, meals recipes, stories, challenges, and more. Their website is also incredibly rich in information and activities. Be sure to check it out.

Magazines are great for occupying kids during trips, in restauarants or wherever it is that they have to wait and get bored. If they have a hobby there surely exist a magaizne that will make them happy and help them explore the ir hobby further. If you are unsure, head over to your local librarie, rent several different magazines and check at home which one your kid prefers. And the… how about a agazine subscription as a next birthday or christmas gift?